Karen Johnson (Enlightenment From A Belly Centered Perspective)

This video is part of a three part series on enlightenment according to the three founders of the Diamond Approach and the Diamond Logos Academy.

Each of the founders provides a unique perspective and experience to the students in the work.

This is not only due to their individuated spirits shining through as they speak, but also due to each of them representing a different center of the body. Karen Johnson (Enneagram 8, Belly Centered) Faisal Muqaddam (Enneagram 4, Heart Centered) Hameed Ali (Enneagram 5, Head Centered)

Please note that being head centered or heart centered does not mean that these teachers are not enlightened in the other two centers.

It simply means that due to their Enneagram type they are typically more developed in one particular center rather than another.

We hope you get a lot out of these videos and please leave us some comments on your thoughts and experiences as you listen to them.