The Point of Light (Our True Individuated Identity)

Please note that despite it sounding similar below, this is taught rather differently in the Diamond Logos than in the Diamond Approach

Here is how Faisal Muqaddam explains it:

The way I understand the Point of light is that it is God’s gift to us, the speck of the divine within each one of us.  
It is the seed syllable. It is the soul, the Nafs, some call it Higher Self, the individuated entity within us that journeys into infinite space and eternal time taking on infinite reincarnations to higher and higher evolution.  
It’s the part of us that never dies and that gives us a fulfilling sense of selfhood on an individual level. In poetic terms, it is the star of Bethlehem.  
Bethlehem in Arabic means house of flesh. It is the individuated Logos that settles in the house of flesh. The Christ of Jesus symbolizes the individuation.  
The story of the three magi seeing the great star above Bethlehem is symbolic of the point of light upon the house of flesh, which is the body.  
Each prophet is a guiding principle toward a certain state of our being.  
Liberating oneself to attain the point of light involves a continual process of disidentification from the personality and in-depth resolution of narcissistic (confusion of the ego identity and the true self) issues and gradually integrating the different attributes of the point of light, such as peace, love, joy, will, until the person ripens enough to unite with the Beloved self.  
We first need to integrate the attributes before we can integrate the point of light because integrating the point of light requires a big transformation in the mind, the body, and daily activity. 
It is not an easy thing to be the point of light because it is such a high state of being. So we first integrate the attributes of it little by little.  
Otherwise, the experience would be too dismantling of the personality and the psychic structure. The process is a gradual unfoldment. SOURCE

Here is A.H. Almaas' take on it:

The Point of Existence is the Essential Identity Self-realization fulfils the meaning of our lives. The true significance of all experience is the essential Presence. 
The point of existence is the Essential Identity. 
It is profoundly significant that the Essential Identity is experienced directly as a brilliant point of Presence, a point of Being, which is true existence. 
We can say, then, that meaninglessness is pointlessness, and the feeling of pointlessness is an indirect awareness of the absence of the essential point, the Essential Identity. SOURCE

For further clarification on what it means in your school, please speak to your teacher.

If you'd like to learn more from about the Point of Light, A.H. Almaas has written the following books:

Below is a short explanation given by Velusia Van Horssen, who is a teacher of the Diamond Logos Academy in Denmark.

Faisal Muqaddam talks about the Point of Light in relation to other parts of the journey:

Hameed Ali talks about how the Diamond Approach understands the Point of Light.

** Note that soul and spirit have different meanings in the schools.