The Absolute (The Cosmic Self / Our True Non-Individuated Identity)

This is how Hameed Ali (Ah Almaas) describes the experience of the Absolute:

We experience ourselves as vastness, an immensity, an expanse so deep it is absolutely dark. 
Though dark and still, inscrutable and silent, it is the source of all luminosity and light. 
And within this immeasurable immensity, we witness the process of creation. 
We see a dynamic presence, the divine logos, flowing out of the absolute, revealing its potentialities as the manifest reality, disclosing its mysteries as the multidimensional manifold of existence and experience. 
Yet, because of the infinity of the absolute we see this manifold as a surface phenomena, as if the absolute is so pure and pristine that it glitters and shines, its brilliance forming a surface, colorful and luminous. 
This colorful and luminous surface of radiance is continually scintillating colors and forms, shapes and patterns. 
We witness an unfolding surface of clear and variegated light, whose pattern is the totality of creation. 
The absolute is prior to light, but also its source and ultimate nature and mystery.  
The light is the unfolding logos, whose pattern is the totality of existence, a dynamic unified manifold. 
The scintillating light is one unified surface, with no parts and no partitions, a field of radiance full of intelligence and truth, reality and significance.SOURCE

Below you will find an extract from an interview by Conscious.TV where Faisal talks about his experiences with the Absolute and the masculine and feminine aspects of it:

Yes, and also with mind.   

His mind was like serene, peaceful, but his heart was shining with golden luminosity – had so much goldenness to it. 

I remember at that time I was sitting next to him, and the room started to glow with ambaric [like amber] richness, as if the air itself, like butter, you can cut it.   

So dense, so sweet, so loving, as if it’s God’s heart embracing all of existence with the preciousness, with love.   

And I remember there was even a can of 7Up.  I said, “What’s this can there doing in the room, the holy room?”  It was as if the space around it was making it glow as a most precious object, without any of my projections about this.   

So that I felt, Oh that’s the enlightened nature, and it is made of two elements, the non-dual is made of two elements. 

 It’s made of the deep, which is the feminine aspect of being, and the radiance, which is the masculine aspect of being, and the union of the two is what the Daoists make as the yin and yang.   

So the Absolute is dual, made of the two combined in Holy Communion, but can be differentiated.   

And that changed the whole approach to psychology, to processing, to finding the way of how the feminine can journey and the masculine can journey and the integration of the two.

Faisal on using the Absolute as a sensor:

So for this person in need – they are going through certain suffering – a certain baraka comes, a certain blessing, which was an emanation of Being.   

It could be a golden state, it could be light, it could be water essence that arrived.  So I was enjoying them but not counting the blessings.   

But I felt some drive because I wanted Hameed to walk.   

I really wanted him to walk.   

So I thought, maybe through this light and energy, I can strengthen the muscles, the nerves, the fascias and the tissues.   

And he really got into it.   

So, every day, we’d look and do some healing to the leg, and through that healing – being open to Being – made the Being a sensor.   
The Absolute is a sensor. 
It can detect what is there and it can provide what is needed.   
So I would sense one layer in the leg, then I’d feel like this silver substance coming and flowing through my hand to that layer, and going maybe to the fascias. 
And Hameed said, “Oh, I feel silver, I taste silver.”  And I said, “I see silver.” Then comes “If I stand on my legs, I’m always afraid father will attack me”.   
And I said, “Amazing.  What does that have to do, silver, with father?”   
So then, little by little, the guidance began to bring in the synapses between silver – which is the quality of essence, that gives ease, relaxation, solidity, groundedness – and fear of father, castration issues.  


During the Diamond Logos retreats, before starting the Kath/Harra meditation, we listen to a transmission of the Absolute called Rest In Natural Great Peace by Tibetan Master Soyal Rinpoche. This helps silence the mind so that we can better connect with our belly center.

If you'd like to experience it for yourself, simply press play below and close your eyes for 5 minutes. Don't worry so much about the words or your thoughts, feel the experience :)