Divine Eros / Pomegranate / Passionate Love

Although Divine Eros and Pomegranate love are not one and the same, there are many aspects that overlap.

AH Almaas describes Divine Eros in the following way:

If we are to learn about divine eros, we need to see that it arises mostly between two in interaction. 
It can arise between the soul and her true nature, as love that has a pleasurable, enjoyable, erotic quality—in the sense that it is an energy with desire and pleasure and sensuousness in it. 
But when divine eros arises between two people, we understand how human relationship is a form in which those qualities can arise most fully and completely. 
In general, humanity is not well developed in its capacity for personal relating. We have a lot of trouble with violence, aggression, misunderstanding, disappointment, pain, wounding, and so on—all of it because we are not good at relationships. 
It is very easy to misunderstand somebody and get angry and become aggressive, or feel hurt, withdraw, and run away. 
But to remain in a relationship, to be real and interact in a way that not only avoids contraction or pain but that opens things up, that generates more richness, creates more openness and more freedom, is something that human beings are just beginning to learn. 
Throughout history, some people have been very good at that, but as a race, we are still immature. 
Humanity is just beginning to wake up to the importance of relationship and its amazing potential. This potential is immense, both for creating peace in the world and for personal actualization of human completeness.
 One way divine eros expresses itself is the desire for intimacy—a loving desire to be intimate, close, to be as much in contact and in communication as possible. 
Love tends to bring out this type of desire. 
When we love somebody, we want to be intimate with that person; the movement toward intimacy is natural. 
We enjoy and we like being with him or her. 
It is natural for there to be dynamism, a flow toward being close and intimate, and to express the love together. 
And this intimacy can go a step further. 
Let’s consider the situation in which an erotic relationship includes both the divine and the sexual dimensions. 
Here, desire within the love relationship is for sexual intimacy, and eros becomes explicitly sexual: “I want to be close and intimate, but I also want to interact physically. 
And I want to interact physically in a very particular way. 
We may start with a hug, but that is only the beginning. 
And I don’t want to just wrestle!” Sexuality adds another dimension to the interaction. One wants to express pleasure in the other person in a physically intimate way. 
There is a desire to experience pleasure together, giving pleasure and receiving pleasure in return, but including the body in addition to all that we have described divine eros to be.SOURCE
In the video below, Karen Johnson and Hameed Ali are interviewed by Tami Simons about Divine Eros and Hameed's new book on the topic.

If you are interested in learning more about The Power of Divine Eros, the book they are talking about is this one: